Carnegie Mellon University's CERT Dataset Analysis and Suggestions
Seungwoo KIM,Dept. of Security Management and Engineering, Graduate School, Myongji UNIV. 116 Myongji-Ro, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin, Gyonggi-Do, KOREA
KIM Jangju,Dept. of Security Management and Engineering, Graduate School, Myongji UNIV. 116 Myongji-Ro, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin, Gyonggi-Do, KOREA
HA Dongwook,Dept. of Security Management and Engineering, Graduate School, Myongji UNIV. 116 Myongji-Ro, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin, Gyonggi-Do, KOREA
RYU Yeonseung,Dept. of Security Management and Engineering, Graduate School, Myongji UNIV. 116 Myongji-Ro, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin, Gyonggi-Do, KOREA
Carnegie Mellon University in the United States operates the CERT Insider Threat Center.They have been researching insider threats since 2001 in collaboration with the US Department of Defense, Homeland Security, US Department of Defense, other federal agencies, intelligence agencies, the private industry, academia, and the supplier community. The CERT dataset was developedto research insider threat problemsby CERT Insider Threat Center. The CERT dataset has been used as the bible to detect insider threat abnormality. In this work, we analyze the CERT dataset and draw up some suggestions. This studycan be helpful for the researchers who study the insider threat problems.
CERT data, Insider threat, log data, Insider threat detection
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